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Christine Lombez

Nantes Université - Institut Universitaire de France

Professional Status
Open to opportunities
  • Since 2023: Principal Investigator of the ERC Advanced Grant program "TranslAtWar"
  • Since 2019: Director of the LAMO Research Center
  • Lectures and direction of Masters 1 & 2 and Ph.D. Theses (on politics and translation, poetics, poetry translation, history of translation, poet translators)
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty "Lettres et Langages" (Nantes University)
  • Member of the Laboratory Board L'AMo (EA 4276 Nantes University)
  • Lectures on Translation History, Translation and Politics, Poetry Translation, European Literature and Poetry (19h-20th c.)
  • Erasmus Supervisor for the Department of Lettres Modernes